Memorable Moments
I have always enjoyed the families who call me and couples who wanted to celebrate a wedding or prepare their loved one´s funeral with that extra special touch. Something original. Often individuals who are more secular in tradition prefer to be creative outside some of the traditional norms. Here you can have the vows you want, the music you want, the readings that fit to your life philosophy. And here I am happy to assist you with years of experience. I look forward to making your moments very memorable with my voice, songs and poems and your creativity.

This is a call to shine a light for those who became stuck/rigid in what they know. As well, persons who speak and act in protection for human rights and justice. Also for those who forget sometimes in the business of their daily work, how important the issues of humanity and tolerance are even when not feeling the threat of actual conflicts.
„Shine A Light“ is a musical wake up call! This song is not just an appeal like any other appeal for humanity. This is another important chance for us, to stay awake, in LIGHT for more tolerance.
Jocelyn voluntarily directs this unique choir since twelve years. The choir is unique, because completely different people are coming together and they have found singing as a form of regeneration and getting their power back.
The choir is meeting in the Erich-Weinert-Str. 37, 10439 Berlin (Prenzlauer Berg), a cultural and community center for socialy traumatized and homeless people. Here, you find a lively exchange and one meets in a very honest and open way. Unlike other choirs, where the development of a musical repertoire is the most important thing, this choir offers space for personal growth and development. Jocelyn herself has learned here with her deep intervision to become a “good teacher”, who has ”the development of a repertoire in mind aswell as the individual personalities.” Different Voices of Berlin needs a choir leader with personality, who can deal with the different levels of skills, musically and personally levels.
This choir is also distinguished by the fact that it uses original compositions in addition to gospel songs and songs by Jocelyn B. Smith.
Jocelyn directs and accompanies the process of idea generation, text creation and composition. Especially in the text creation process a lively debate is showing the different perspectives. But it is precisely this exchange that is extremely valuable for everybody.
The association “Yes We Can e.V.” is founded by Jocelyn B. Smith in 2008. The association supported the international campaign to ban cluster munitions by the action alliance “”.
For this purpose a song was specially recorded: “Higher Love: Children sing for children.” Jocelyn presented this song with Norwegian children on December 3, 2008 at the international IGC in Oslo, where the contract to ban cluster munitions from 94 countries was signed. On August 1, 2010 the ban came into force.
The purpose of the association is the implementation of pedagogical and musical instruction for socially disadvantaged persons, especially children and adolescents. The focus is on conveying values such as tolerance and humanity through a common collaboration in all areas of culture.
I am greatful to be an ambassador of the Björn Schulz Stiftung.
In 2009, this cross-cultural music project came to life. The result is a moving CD with essays by the children, who speak very openly about their feelings and are singing with Jocelyn. With the intensive, narrative voice of Christian Brückner, patron of the project, the individual stories merge like a mosaic to a wonderful picture.
„I remember there was one boy and I asked him:
How does it sounds like to you, We the me in you ?
And he said:
Josy, no matter if our countries are fighting with one another, I can be a brother to you.
And I said:
That’s why I do this work
This boy was 11 or 12 years old.