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Jocelyn B. Smith

Jocelyn B. Smith (*New York, 1960), has lived in Germany for the past 30 years. She has held more than 3.000 live concerts and has worked with very different artists such as Lenny White,Till Brönner, Falco, Alphaville, or composers such as Mikis Theodorakis, Heiner Goebbels and Zülfu Livanelli.

In 1995, she received the Golden Record Award for the title song of the Disney movie „The Lion King“. In 1998, she received the Jazz Award from the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry for her CD „Blue Lights and Nylons“ (her label Blondell Productions produced over 10.000 copies of the CD).

In 2006, Jocelyn started her philanthropic project and has founded the choir „Different Voices of Berlin“ in a community and neighborhood center against poverty and social exclusion in Berlin Kreuzberg, at „Gitschiner 15“. She is also the founder of the charitable „Yes We Can e.V.“ (2008), which campaigns for the sustainable protection and assistance for children as well as the humanitarian project „Shine A Light“.

In 2011, Jocelyn was asked to sing „Amazing Grace“ at the Berlin commemoration of September 11 at the Brandenburger Tor, which was broadcasted worldwide by CNN. She participated in the last concert held prior to closing the „Tränen Palast“ at the former German Border in front of special guests that included Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Angela Merkel, US-Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, German Bishop Wolfgang Huber, members of the German House of Parliament, Presidents of the Federal Republic of Germany, Roman Herzog and Horst Köhler.

In 2015, Jocelyn released her 30-year anniversary album „My Way“ with a concert at the Berlin Cathedral „The DOM“. She is the ambassador of the „Help 4 People e.V.“ (Refugee-Aid Foundation) together with Björn Schulz Stiftung (Sonnenhof Kinder Hospiz). Her initiative „Shine A Light“ promotes humanity and more tolerance. In 2016, Jocelyn performed with the internationally renowned classical baritone Thomas Quasthoffin Vienna as part of the Shine a Light Ambassadorship Honoring Tour – Shine A Light Ambassadors.

In 2018, Jocelyn was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit by the German president Frank Walter Steinmeier for her social engagement.



Release of the anniversary album “My Way”

Release of the album “Here I Am”.

Interpretation of the song Amazing Grace at the Berlin commemoration of September 11th 2001 (worldwide broadcast of CNN).

Music project “Higher Love” where children sing for children. Jocelyn support the Action Alliance landmine.de and is committed to a global ban on cluster munitions and landmines. Foundation of the charitable “Yes We Can eV.”, which campaigns for the sustainable protection and assistance of children who are victims of war.

Founding and volunteer leadership of the choir “Different Voices of Berlin” in a community and neighborhood center against poverty and social exclusion in Berlin Kreuzberg, “Gitschiner 15”.

“Jazz Award” of the International Federation of the Phonographic Industryfor her CD Blue Lights and Nylons.

Soloist in “Surrogate Cities” by Heiner Goebbels with Worldwide concerts.

Goldene Schallplatte (Golden Record) award for the title song of the Disney film “The Lion King”.

Release of her first album “River”

Jocelyn chose Berlin to be hernew home town.

Main singer in Lenny White’s Funk/ Soul Band “Twennynine” with European tour.

Jocelyn was born. She received classical piano training from her fifth year on.